Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pirate & Spring Break Spectacles

I like learning about how pirates lived.I think most boys do. I learned that Blackbeard was the most ruthless and most feared pirate who ever lived. My Mom is ruthless too (she trying to make me type correctly, instead of using the same finger for every letter, too bad I can't call her Momma blackbeard, maybe Momma Teach??). Blackbeard lit his beard on fire in battle to scare people. They ate their bread in the dark so they could not see the worms in it. GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, I know.

Here are some pirate flags below. These were flown on ships by buccaneers everywhere. My mom, sister, and I  made  Blackbeard's flag and we're goin' to fly it from ye yard galleon (playset).

I got binoculars for Christmas! Came in handy at O.N.S.C.

                 Starting a 4 hour hike. In the background is the dining hall. (: amazing food :)

I was a gray fox at O.N.S.C.

 A lizard is playing dead during my first hike.

My sun tea that sat in the sun for 3 hours.Mm mm mm mm mm mm...

  • Take a very clean jar (make sure it has a lid)
  • water
  • tea bag (any kind)
  • sunshine
  • sugar, citrus slices, raspberries (optional)
Set in a sunny location for 3-4 hours and then enjoy!

Playin' cards with family is fun. Brother (left) cousin (back right) and me at Grandma & Grandpa Harding's house on Thanksgiving. That's my sister Hannah behind us.

My mom's car is getting an oil change while we jumped.

Baby sister was sick.But she is fine now.

Tomorrow is Friday. We have been waiting all week for Friday. I hope it doesn't rain... I'm goin' to Silver Dollar City!!!!!!!!!!!!! I INTEND TO RIDE WILDFIRE.